Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Signs of the times

Years ago I found myself driving by a sign off the side of the road which caught my attention on my daily commute home. I thought to myself I should bring my DSLR camera with me to work the following day and grab a shot of it - but that was before the convenience of camera phones so it never happened. It was a gigantic white sign with blue letters that spelled out for passersby, "Progress is coming!" It caught my eye because it was posted in front of an abandoned, dilapidated home that I'm sure has many stories from years past lying within. Soon to be bulldozed over for city improvements I was guessing – what other progress could it be referring to?

Whatever your measure of progress is it's generally measured by forward movement of some kind, a refreshing stance. Wikipedia shares that progress is the idea that the world can become increasingly better in terms of science, technology, modernization, liberty, democracy, quality of life, etc. Our family has been blessed and challenged in many ways for the last 11 weeks since we've welcomed in our foster son to our family.

And we are seeing progress:
Progress in learning how to parent two children;
Progress in our foster son's behavioral response when something doesn't go quite his way;
Progress in him opening up in therapy;
Progress in the incredible ways God has bonded us as a family which is so precious to watch; Progress in getting him registered for school and after care for the new school year approaching; and Progress in him learning more about his history and reality of his future so he can begin dealing with that.

Sigh. Progress - it's good!
Romans 12:12  Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

One other sign that caught my eye several years ago was at the intersection of some busy roads in the city where there was a new IKEA built. Atlanta is known for their hectic directing of traffic and this sign was so evident of our need for better road mapping. And I did grab a shot of this – if I find it I'll post it just in case you're a graphics nerd like me and find signs humorous. One arrow directed traffic to get on the ramp for I-85; the other arrow literally said, "All Other Roads This Way." Seriously? At that intersection there are people who need to get to side roads, I-75, and directions to move around the many one-way streets, and that's the clarity in guidance drivers are given? I'm thankful that in faith we can lean on the Lord though we can't see the route and destination and He will clearly direct.

Preparing hand-painted prayer reminders for our church

Our home was full of helping hands and willing hearts this weekend as members of our church came together to prepare hand-painted prayer reminders so that our church body can pray specifically for children who are in need of a safe and loving family.

We haven't officially kicked off the Orphan Care ministry, but rather reached out to families we know have a heart for caring for the orphan in some capacity. There were many new faces we didn't know because my partner leader invited her personal contacts. But it didn't matter that we seemed like a modge podge group because we had three connections that pulled us together instantly - Our love for God, for the orphan, and all members of the same church body.

Husbands claimed the first table of three for the project and worked hard hand painting shirts and pants for the clothespin dolls. We had a second table specifically focusing on hair, eyes, and skin tones, and a third table for the finishing details. I am so moved to see the organic desire of those in our church body to do something. The Orphan Care ministry will focus on community, education, and missions through our planned monthly meetings. Pray with me that we keep the momentum and families' hearts are tender and open to hear the Lord as he works in their lives to guide them in their role.